PREVIOUS TEAMS20/21 - Seregno18/19 - Reggina 17/18 - - 17/18 - FK Partizani 17/18 - Lupa Roma 16/17 - FC Pavia 15/16 - Calcio Como 15/16 - FC Pavia 14/15 - Juve Stabia 14/15 - Padova 13/14 - AS Cittadella 13/14 - FC Pavia 12/13 - Benevento 09/10 - Rimini 07/08 - Virtus Lanciano 06/07 - AS Deruta 05/06 - Virtus Ortona 04/05 - Lupa Frascati 03/04 - AS Rosarno 02/03 - Messina U19 01/02 - Messina Jgd. YOUR OPINION
What do you think of Giovanni La Camera?
How much is Giovanni La Camera paid? Is he "worth the money"? Does Giovanni La Camera live alone? Does he have a girlfriend or wife? What kind of car is Giovanni La Camera driving? Giovanni La Camera was born on 29.12.1983 in Messina. He is 41 years old and his citizenship is Italien. His current club is -, where he plays in the midfield - Zentrales midfield. His estimated salary is 37.500 euros per year. That's equivalent to 3.125 euros per month. |
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