PREVIOUS TEAMS19/20 - OGC Nizza17/18 - AS Monaco 16/17 - SC Bastia 16/17 - AS Monaco 15/16 - Hannover 96 15/16 - AS Monaco 15/16 - AS St.-Étienne 13/14 - St-Étienne U19 12/13 - St-Étienne U17 11/12 - ACBB Jugend YOUR OPINION
What do you think of Allan Saint-Maximin?
How much is Allan Saint-Maximin paid? Is he "worth the money"? Does Allan Saint-Maximin live alone? Does he have a girlfriend or wife? What kind of car is Allan Saint-Maximin driving? RATINGS
Allan Saint-Maximin was born on 12.03.1997 in Châtenay-Malabry. He is 27 years old and his citizenship is Frankreich. His current club is Newcastle United, where he plays in the striker - right . His estimated salary is 6.400.000 euros per year. That's equivalent to 533.333 euros per month. |
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